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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Up to Speed

To make a long story short, using a modified four day rotational food plan I've discovered I have a sensitivity to gluten, milk products (all milk products, this one really hurts), eggs, some soy products, potatoes, and corn products (to a lesser extent). I've always had digestive sensitivities, but its amazing how sensitive I was after doing a candida cleanse. It was much easier to tell what was bothering me and my digestive tract felt much clearer.
As much as I would love to stick to the four day rotational plan, its just not possible currently as I am living in a dorm. At least I can cook for myself, but I am limited as to how much I can store and I have to eat the food myself, so I don't want to be buying a lot at one time. So instead I am just trying to vary my food as much as possible and pray that I don't develop sensitivity to foods by eating them too much. (An explanation for that last comment: my food allergen sources say that sometimes if you eat too much of a food you can develop sensitivities to it, not sure if this goes away in time, but I am hoping so) The other thing I am trying to do to help out my gut is to eat five small meals a day. This can also be hard with my class schedule, but I feel it is worth the trouble because it keeps me from getting really hungry and overeating in one sitting, which might be the one of the worst things. I always feel really crappy when I overeat and this is one of my biggest problems, especially as I am eating mostly vegetables and limiting sugars. This is my second day on the five meal plan and so far it has been successful, that is except for one of my weaknesses.
It's called Turtle Mountain Purely Decadent I get the coconut milk version since I have sensitivity to soy. Also the coconut milk version is made with agave syrup and not other sugars. It is exactly what its called and it is ridiculously good. I am going to go out on a limb and say it is better than regular ice cream, hands down. Now, my favorite flavor of ice cream is green tea (as weird as that may be), and I really want to try making my own ice cream with coconut milk at home when I get the chance. From the ingredients on the label it seems like it would be fairly easy to make, which would certainly save money, because the pints can be pretty expensive. Next post I will get into my favorite part of having food allergies. That is cooking for myself. What can I say, I like good food. I like good food, and I like cooking it and experimenting. So I will keep posting some of my successful cooking escapades, and perhaps what didn't work as well.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My purpose in creating this blog was to help myself keep track of my new diet and where it is going. I guess it was about this time this year my body told me it had had it with the antibiotics I had been taking for five months. As a result I developed a great number of health issues and have only now been making great leaps in recovery. Even though I am for the most part better I have developed some discouraging food allergies like milk products, eggs, soy products (most but not all), and gluten. My plan is to keep track of what works and doesnt work as I try to sort through the various diet plans and food allergies I have. For my next post I will bring this blog up to speed on what progress has been made so far and what I have adopted in my food adventures.